Clinic Forms
Every new patient at our clinic is required to fill out a new patient intake form. This form only takes a few minutes to fill out but it greatly speeds things up at the clinic if patients are able to fill these out before they get to the clinic. Below is our new patient intake form, direct billing information form and convenient payment options form. If you have any questions about filling these out feel free to give us a call!
If you do not have the chance to fill out the above forms, we recommend arriving 10-15 minutes prior to your first scheduled appointment to complete any necessary paperwork. To help us be more efficient, please bring the following on your first visit:
All active extended health insurance cards (both primary and secondary if applicable)
Comfortable clothing - please wear loose-fitting clothing that allows easy examination of your injury – shorts for back or lower extremity injury and a tank top or sports bra (for women with an upper extremity injury)
Any other information you feel may be helpful in the assessment of your condition